Automated review collection.

Zoom past your competitors. More, happier customers. Build an unshakable reputation.


distribute and
display your reviews.


Get Your Quote

Collect reviews where your customers look

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Stop selling your product.

Let your customers do it for you.



Fully Automated Solution

Our platform automates the collection, follow up and posting process, with the ability to connect to your CRM, collect reviews on the go, and more…

Identify & Retarget Your Happiest Customers

Our platform provides lists of your customers by their review responses, so you can retarget your happiest customers with more of your product/service.

Branded Templates

Ensure all emails and text messages are on-brand and are customised specifically for your business. We even send text messages with your brand as the sender.

Instant Feedback Loop

Receive instant notifications when your business receives a review or feedback so you can have the finger on the pulse of your business, provide timely feedback or engage service recovery instantly.

Automated Follow-up

We live busy lives, so do your customers, so if your first request for a review catches them at a bad time, we automatically remind them, pushing up your conversion rate, reviews and revenue.

Mobile/Instore/In-person Reviews

Collect reviews in-store, in-clinic, on-site, however suits your business with our options. Including QR Code, Mobile Form, NFC (touchable review tags), review kiosk options. Ask for more info.

Redirect Negative Reviews

If your customer reviews your business and provides a positive rating, we prompt them for a review on your chosen platform (e.g. Google), if they give you a lower rating, we ask for feedback & pass it immediately to you.

Artificial Intelligence (coming)

Our system will be able to determine the best time to send your requests in order to get the most positive reviews.

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The most powerful marketing tool you’re not using.

Most businesses have hundreds of happy customers/clients, who, given the chance, would say incredibly positive things about your business. However, most businesses don’t ask their customers what they think, and even if they do, they don’t publish it for potential customers to see.

84% of people trust online reviews as a primary indicator of product service quality. Of course you’re going to say great things about your business, but your customers are the real judge, and when they love what you do, that speaks volumes.

We integrate with over 3,000 apps to truly automate your review collection.

We integrate with 3,000 apps and counting…

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Speak to us about integrating with your system, and have truly automated reviews.

Let’s have a chat.

How it works.

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Details of the client/customer/patient are added into our platform. This can be done by mobile form, in-platform, bulk upload or API integration with your CRM/Systems for a fully automated option.



Then, within the times selected (AI option available soon), your client/customer/patient will receive a branded review request via SMS, email or both. If they do not review at this time, customised follow ups will be sent at timely intervals.



Your client/customer/patient receives your review request, clicks the link and provides a star rating on our platform. Based on this rating, they will either be prompted to leave a review on your platform of choice (linked directly), or asked to provide feedback on their experience.

Let’s put your reputation & revenue in the fast lane